Florida Summer Heat

Importance of AC Repair, Maintenance, and Replacement Before Summer

May 20, 2022

Don’t forget about your air conditioner as you take care of spring home maintenance. Air conditioning service can set you up for cooler air during the hot summer months. Read on to learn more about the importance of AC maintenance and why you should schedule an appointment now to prepare for summer.

Florida Summer Heat and Humidity

Summer in Florida brings fun in the sun, but it also means extreme weather. July and August are typically the hottest months, with daily temperatures often between 73° and 95° F. The summer heat in Florida is humid and moist, making temperatures feel even hotter indoors. Although a case can be made for the importance of air conditioning maintenance all over the U.S., summer weather makes it truly vital for Floridians.

Avoid Emergencies During Peak AC Service Demand

When summer is in full swing, AC demand increases throughout the state. The hotter the temperature is outside, the more your air conditioner has to run to keep your home in the comfortable setting you prefer. If your air conditioner has worn or aging parts, that increased demand can be enough for the system to fail suddenly. While air conditioner repair technicians can come to your home to fix the problem, you may have to wait a day or more for an appointment due to the massive influx of calls during heat waves.

Air Conditioning Maintenance Prevents Costly Repairs

Many people look at air conditioning service as an expense, but it is a wise, money-saving decision. In most cases, maintaining an AC system is less expensive than repairing it. When something breaks, there may be additional damage that must be repaired. That adds up to more parts and more labor. Plus, troubleshooting and diagnosing the problem takes even more time. Having your air conditioner checked and serviced in the spring allows you to find minor issues before they become more prominent, more expensive ones.

Keep Your Air Conditioner Efficient

The average electric bill in Florida during summer is usually higher than in winter, and that difference is due primarily to air conditioners. Studies show that for each degree you set your thermostat below 78° F, your cooling costs increase by 8 to 12 percent. When an air conditioner isn’t running optimally, that added cost is even greater because units that aren’t adequately maintained usually aren’t as efficient. This makes regular maintenance one of the best ways to save on air conditioning costs.

Reduce the Need for Air Conditioning Unit Replacement

Regular maintenance can help put off the cost of replacing the air conditioning in your home. Having your air conditioner inspected by an experienced professional in the spring can identify potential problems. If you fix issues before the air conditioner breaks, you could avoid costly damage to the unit, making replacing it the only option.

Ensure Your Air Conditioner Warranty Stays in Effect

When you buy a new air conditioner, the manufacturer’s warranty is often one of the selling points. After all, air conditioning systems are costly. If you’re going to invest, you want to know that the manufacturer stands behind their product and will repair or replace the unit if parts wear out or break before they should.

Many people don’t know that air conditioner warranties are usually conditional. While the manufacturer promises to replace the unit or make repairs when specific problems arise, most warranty agreements state that you must keep up with regular maintenance. After all, the manufacturer doesn’t want to pay for expenses that could have been avoidable.

If your air conditioner is still under warranty, check the contract to determine the maintenance requirements. You must have the air conditioner serviced at least once every 12 months to keep your manufacturer’s warranty in full effect. Some aftermarket and whole house warranty programs also require you to maintain your air conditioner for coverage.

Maintain Indoor Air Quality

Most people know that the air conditioning filter needs to be changed at some point, but not as many can answer the question, “how often should you change your air conditioning filter?” As a result, many people put off changing their air filters. This can lead to a buildup of fine particulates that reduce air quality, cause allergy symptoms, trigger asthma attacks, and lead to other health complications.

When you have your air conditioner serviced in the spring, the AC repair technician can check your filters and replace them for you as needed. This spares you the hassles of doing the job yourself and ensures that your family is breathing cleaner air indoors. In addition, the technician can perform other maintenance to increase indoor air quality, like cleaning air conditioning ducts.

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